Application VN-A:
Recording music on commercial audiovisual carriers for television broadcasts, movie theatre screening and/or use on the internet

Tariff VN

Information about the tariff

Customer number

The customer shall be responsible paying the SUISA invoice as well as assume liability for it. For information on the legal domicile of the customer, you can use the Zefix-website.

Delivery address (mailing address)

Information regarding invoice

IMPORTANT: Please state your PO number in each case if required!

Membership in professional/trade association

Advertising agency

In case you have indicated the advertising agency to us in a previous application, you only need to provide us with information on company, place and e-mail address.


In case you have indicated the producer to us in a previous application, you only need to provide us with information on company, place and e-mail address.

Customer address (residence/legal domicile)

The customer shall be responsible paying the SUISA invoice as well as assume liability for it. For information on the legal domicile of the customer, you can use the Zefix-website.

Information on the company

Delivery address (mailing address)

Information regarding invoice

IMPORTANT: Please state your PO number in each case if required!

Membership in professional/trade association

Advertising agency


Note: Only a maximum of {count} spots can be registered simultaneously!


You only need one SUISA no. for all language versions.

SUISA number

Nature of the commercial

Title / Label / Product

Total duration / First broadcast

Music/Jingle in the commercial




Internet (Website/Social Media)

Performance rights outside of cinemas or cinema-like establishments

The producer may, for himself and his principal, acquire a blanket licence of unlimited duration to show the production under the following conditions:
- Shows without entrance fees and outside of cinemas or cinema-like establishments
- Shows in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Used musical works (songs/tracks)

Manual work entry

Please indicate the first name and the family name for composers, lyricists and arrangers.

Work/Track 1

Work/Track 2

Work/Track 3

Work/Track 4

Work/Track 5


Please upload a file with all musical works used in the spot (e.g. track list, cue sheet).


Mandatory information required per work:

- Work title
- Composer (first name and name; if not known: band or performer)
- Used duration of the work (mm:ss)
- Type of the music used (commissioned music, pre-existing music or mood music)

- Usage of the music in the commercial (music or jingle)


Further information per work (if known):
- Lyricist (first name and name)
- Arranger (first name and name)
- Publisher


Accepted data formats:


Origin of the commercial

Post producer of the Swiss version of the foreign commercial

Potential additional costs

SUISA reserves the right to charge a minimum fee of CHF 100 if the invoice has to be re-issued if only vague or incomplete information was provided in the form.

Contact for queries

Please let us know who your contact is in case we have any queries regarding this application.

Copy of your application

Please indicate the email address where we can send a copy of your application.

Message / Document

Accepted data formats: PNG, JGP, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC, DOCX


Important note:

Please click only once on the send button and wait until the transmission of the form has ended. Clicking the send button several times leads to transmission errors.

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 21 614 32 28 / 30

Licensing & Distribution Film (tariff VN)

Do you need any help completing this form?

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 21 614 32 28 / 30

Licensing & Distribution Film (tariff VN)