New advertising spot:
Spot which is broadcast in Switzerland for the first time.
Adapted spot:
Shortened version of the original spot. Adaptation for French broadcasters.
Excerpts from the original spot which are unaltered (where images and music fully originate from the original spot) and broadcast after such an original spot
Should there be any changes to images or music, the reminder shall be treated like a new spot.
Billboard / Sponsoring:
TV broadcast which is subsidised by a sponsor by means of graphic animation (broadcast, sporting events, weather,...).
Spot for cinema films or film DVDs (trailer):
An excerpt used to announce a new cinema film or film DVD is considered to be a copy and not a new audiovisual recording (which would attract an additional fee) if the music used originates fully from the cinema film and/or the film DVD.
Spot for music CDs or music DVDs:
An excerpt used to announce a musical work or an audiovisual work is considered to be a copy and not a new sound/audiovisual recording (which would attract an additional fee) if the music used originates fully from said work.
Infomercials (longer than 60 seconds):
TV advertisements or tele-shopping programmes