Concerts, concert-like performances, shows, ballet and theatre

Common Tariff (CT) K

You can find information about the tariff on our website

Please complete this questionnaire AFTER the event.

If you have any questions before your event, please contact us on 044 485 66 66 or via our contact form.

Customer number

Customer address (residence/legal domicile)

The customer shall be responsible paying the SUISA invoice as well as assume liability for it. For information on the legal domicile of the customer, you can use the Zefix-website.

Information on the company

Membership of associations

Delivery address (mailing address)

Contact/reference on the invoice

NB: No more than 20 events can be registered at a time!

Type of event

Date / name / place

Number of spectators / capacity / ticket price



Please submit all receipts from external ticketing office(s)!


To qualify for a deduction, "ticket tax" and "services included in the ticket price" must be substantiated.

Budgeted revenues

Cost of music use

Set lists / supporting documents

If you wish to apply for more than 1 event (max. 20), please click the button “+ add event” (right-hand side below)

Uploading documents

The relevant email and post addresses are indicated here.

Please send us any set lists you may subsequently receive by email or post. The relevant email and post addresses are indicated here.

Accepted data formats: PNG, JGP, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC, DOCX


If you wish to upload several documents, please click on the + key (bottom right-hand side)

Set lists

Substantiation from ticketing office(s)

Proof for deductions

Licence agreement

Contact for queries

Please let us know who your contact is in case we have any queries regarding this application.

Copy of your application

Please indicate the email address where we can send a copy of your application.


Accepted data formats: PNG, JGP, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC, DOCX


Important note:

Please click only once on the send button and wait until the transmission of the form has ended. Clicking the send button several times leads to transmission errors.

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 44 485 66 66

Performance right (CT K)

Do you need any help completing this form?

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 44 485 66 66

Performance right (CT K)