Author's own productions

Tariff PI

Own production
It is a production that contains exclusively original compositions by the author or by the band financing the production.
All rights holders are either members of SUISA or of no other collecting society at all.
The production order is placed by the author him/herself. He/she acts for him/herself or for the band in which he/she plays.
All works of this production have already been submitted to SUISA with the names of all rights holders.
The production does not contain any musical work by an author who was no longer a member of the band at the time of production.
The production does not contain any published music.

Definition of the term "band":


These are only persons

  • who form the said band,
  • are presented to the public as such and
  • are known as such.


No own production

Thank you for your information.

As you have answered NO to at least one of the previous questions, this is not an own production according to our definition.

We therefore ask you to use this form to register your new sound carrier.

Important information on registration
  • This registration must be received by SUISA at least 10 days prior to the production of the sound recording.
  • Each musical work must be entered individually in the registration form, with the full title and the surnames and first names of all authors. Works with pseudonyms will not be accepted!
  • Before the form is submitted to SUISA, it must be signed by all SUISA members involved.

In order for SUISA to process a sound recording application as an own production, all works used on the sound recording must be original compositions and must have been registered in advance (with SUISA). SUISA reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks. If SUISA determines that it is not an own production as defined and one or more of the above-mentioned requirements are not met, the remuneration shall automatically be invoiced for all works used on the sound recording in accordance with the PI Tariff.

Customer address (Principal)

Line-up of the band

Please enter the names of all band members including their instrument

Work registration

Declaration of the sound carrier


Information on the data carrier


Distribution and Price

If the CD is sold in various countries, please use a new section for each country of sale.

Used works/tracks

Please click on the symbol + (on the right-hand side below) if you wish to record more than one work.


Bitte geben Sie bei Komponist/In, Textautor/In und Bearbeiter/in jeweils den Vor- und Nachnamen ein (keine Pseudonyme).


Information on the data carrier


Distribution and Price

If the vinyl is sold in various countries, please use a new section for each country of sale.

Used works/tracks

Please click on the symbol + (on the right-hand side below) if you wish to record more than one work.


Bitte geben Sie bei Komponist/In, Textautor/In und Bearbeiter/in jeweils den Vor- und Nachnamen ein (keine Pseudonyme).


Information on the data carrier


Distribution and Price

If the DVD is sold in various countries, please use a new section for each country of sale.

Used works/tracks

Please click on the symbol + (on the right-hand side below) if you wish to record more than one work.


Bitte geben Sie bei Komponist/In, Textautor/In und Bearbeiter/in jeweils den Vor- und Nachnamen ein (keine Pseudonyme).


Information on the data carrier


Distribution and Price

If the sound carrier is sold in various countries, please use a new section for each country of sale.

Used works/tracks

Please click on the symbol + (on the right-hand side below) if you wish to record more than one work.


Bitte geben Sie bei Komponist/In, Textautor/In und Bearbeiter/in jeweils den Vor- und Nachnamen ein (keine Pseudonyme).

Production funding

The undersigned confirm that it was them exclusively who financed the production(s) mentioned above and that they sell it on their own behalves. They agree that SUISA will not collect and pay out authors remuneration for these pressing runs, contrary to the provisions of the Rights Administration Agreement. If any publishers or other authors are involved in the recorded works, SUISA shall issue an invoice for the licence fees for these works.

Renunciation on blank media levies

By signing this form, you also renounce on a share of your income arising from blank media levies. The supplement varies year on year. It depends from the annual collections arising from tariff PI and the common tariffs 4. It is usually between 50% and 70%.

Authors' signatures

Please indicate all SUISA members involved in the production and the works. All persons listed in this form must sign it.


SUISA facsimile (SUISA logo)

Contact for queries

Please let us know who your contact is in case we have any queries regarding this application.

Confirmation of your details

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 44 485 66 66

Reproduction right (tariff PI - Single transactions)

Do you need any help completing this form?

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 44 485 66 66

Reproduction right (tariff PI - Single transactions)