Application VN-C:
Recording music on non-commercial audiovisual carriers for television broadcasts, screening in movie theatre and/or festivals, and productions for first use on video on demand platforms

Tariff VN

Information about the tariff

Customer number

Customer address (residence/legal domicile)

The customer shall be responsible paying the SUISA invoice as well as assume liability for it. For information on the legal domicile of the customer, you can use the Zefix-website.

Information on the company

Delivery address

Information regarding invoice

Membership in professional/trade association



Owner of the rights of use for co-productions

NB: No more than 10 films/videos can be declared at a time!

Type of film/video

Title / Production year / Film director

Total duration / First broadcast


Production budget

Place of use / Territory of usage

Number of specimens (copies)


Music in film/video

Making available on website(s) of the contributors to the production

The producer may - against payment of a lump sum - acquire the right to make the production available on his website, the website of the principal or websites of other contributors to the production, as long as no fee is charged for it.


Said right can only be assigned together with the authorisation for production. It does not cover the making available of productions in the course of an advertising campaign. Please refer to our online licensing terms and conditions.


The blanket fee per production and web appearance amounts to:
- Streaming: CHF 100.-
- Download: CHF 200.-

Performance rights outside of cinemas or cinema-like establishments

The producer may, for himself and his principal, acquire a blanket licence of unlimited duration to show the production under the following conditions:
- Shows without entrance fees and outside of cinemas or cinema-like establishments
- Shows in Switzerland and Liechtenstein


The blanket fee amounts to CHF 200.-

Used musical works (songs/tracks)

The complete works list must be submitted in any case. This applies in particular also to commissioned works, library and royalty free music.


Please upload a file with all works used in the film/video.


Mandatory information required per work:

- Work title
- Composer (first name and name; if not known: band or performer)
- Used duration of the work (hh:mm:ss)
- Type of the music used (commissioned music, pre-existing music or mood music)


Further information per work (if known):
- Lyricist (first name and name)
- Arranger (first name and name)
- Publisher


Accepted data formats:


Manual work entry

Please indicate the first name and the family name for composers, lyricists and arrangers.

Musical work 1

Musical work 2

Musical work 3

Musical work 4

Musical work 5

Musical work 6

Musical work 7

Musical work 8

Musical work 9

Musical work 10

Musical work 11

Musical work 12

Musical work 13

Musical work 14

Musical work 15

If you wish to apply for more than 1 film/video (max.10), please click the button “+ add film/video” (right-hand side below)

Potential additional costs

SUISA reserves the right to charge a minimum fee of CHF 100 if the invoice has to be re-issued if only vague or incomplete information was provided in the form and/or the music cue-sheet.

Contact for queries

If we have any questions abour application, who shall we contact?

Application confirmation

Once you have sent us your application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail together with the relevant form (pdf format). Please let us know the e-mail address you would like us to send it to.


Accepted data formats: PNG, JGP, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC, DOCX

Confirmation of your details

Important note:

Please click only once on the send button and wait until the transmission of the form has ended. Clicking the send button several times leads to transmission errors.

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 21 614 32 37

Reproduction right (tariff VN)

Do you need any help completing this form?

Do you need any help completing this form?

+41 21 614 32 37

Reproduction right (tariff VN)