Information about the Licence Terms and Conditions
The customer shall be responsible paying the SUISA invoice as well as assume liability for it. For information on the legal domicile of the customer, you can use the Zefix-website.
First name*
Company / Name*
Post Code*
Please enter your telephone no. as follows: Example Switzerland: 044 485 66 66 Example abroad: +41 44 485 66 66
Legal form*
Other legal form*
Commercial register entry*
Address for correspondence and billing*
Addition to address
e.g. Richmond House, c/o lawfirm xyz
P.O. Box
Direct line
Please enter the direct line as follows: Example Switzerland: 044 485 66 66 Example abroad: +41 44 485 66 66
Contact on the invoice
Reference on the invoice
p.ex. cost centre, reference no., job no., PO no.
URL of the website(s) in question*
Social Media Channels*
Details of videos with music on your websites and social media channels for which the right of making available has not yet been settled *
Number of videos with music (availability not settled)*
Payment and reference date*
Number of videos without music (availability not settled)*
If you do not know exactly how many of your videos contain music, we shall assume that 75% of your total number are with music, and calculate your fees accordingly
What is the average value of the production costs of the videos (production budget of all videos divided by the number of videos)?*
Have you already the production or reproduction rights?
Proof of due acquisition of licence must be provided on request
Licensor of the production or reproduction rights*
Were all music rights acquired from SUISA (possibly under another address)?
Comments / Licensee particulars*
Billing address (e.g. advertising agency)
Licences already acquired see here
SUISA reserves the right to charge a minimum fee of CHF 50.- if the invoice has to be re-issued if only vague or incomplete information was provided in the form.
Please let us know who your contact is in case we have any queries regarding this application.
First Name*
Please indicate the email address where we can send a copy of your application.
Do you have any further information or documents for us?
Accepted data formats: PNG, JGP, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC, DOCX
Upload file (max. 1 MB)
I herewith confirm that the information given herein is correct and complete. I acknowledge the General Terms and Conditions of business and the provisions of the data protection declaration on the SUISA website.*
If you use music protected by copyright in your videos, you are obliged to pay a fee in accordance with the Licence Terms and Conditions. Moreover, you confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of the licence, and that, in accordance with the latter, you have entered into a contractual relationship with SUISA. *
Note: Please only report changes in the number of videos if the new videos fall into another category.
Submitted on
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Please click only once on the send button and wait until the transmission of the form has ended. Clicking the send button several times leads to transmission errors.
Do you need any help completing this form?
+41 844 234 234 (8 Rp./Min)
Reproduction right